By: Sydney Cavazos
As a public relations major, you try as much as you can to get involved in your organization and gain as much experience as you can before venturing into your chosen career path. When I joined RaiderComm last semester, I believed it was the right thing for me to do to help broaden my experience in the PR world. That was the best decision I could have made throughout my college career.
At first, I didn’t know what I wanted to do after I graduated, which is common for many students. With the help of RaiderComm, I now have the courage to do anything I set my mind to. During my time in RaiderComm, I have had the pleasure of working with local businesses and nonprofit organizations to host fundraisers, create campaigns and capture content for their social media. I never thought I would find myself in this position to help real-world clients.
This past semester, I also had the opportunity to lead a team in creating a media campaign for Big Brother, Big Sister, as well as for CASA of the South Plains. With this experience, it helped bring out the leader in me that I always knew I had. With this newfound experience, I am confident enough to realize that I have the world at my fingertips and that I have the same opportunity as everyone else to achieve a career in public relations. Thank you for believing in me RaiderComm. This was truly an experience I will hold on to for the rest of
my life.